Clue #13 Solved: Ode to 🥚—The Beginning of Thing

Clue #13 came in the form of a beautiful ode to 🥚, celebrating everything it stands for:

The mystery.
The anticipation.
The rebirth.
The secret wrapped in ivory armor.

This clue speaks to the true essence of 🥚—fragile, yet powerful; simple, yet full of potential. 🥚 represents the beginning of everything, carrying life forward, nourishing, transforming, and renewing. Whether you crack it, cherish it, or hold onto it, the egg is the symbol of REBIRTH and the literal home of ReGenesis in CK: ALL THE ZEN!

🥚 is more than just an object; it’s belief, a leap of faith, hope, a dream, and desire. Those bold enough to see the future within it are the ones who will unlock its secrets. The community made its choice with 🥚 over 🐱, embracing the potential of the egg and everything it represents in the game.

Are you an 🥚 believer? Show your conviction and grow your collection by visiting the OpenSea marketplace:
Explore the Egg Collection on OpenSea!

September 30, 2024