Clue #25 Solved: Steady Progress Wins the Race!

What’s Felis telling us this time? In addition to a warning to always verify information for yourself, this clue is a reminder that CK: ALL THE ZEN! is a game where progress might feel slow at the start, but persistence pays off. It’s not just about racing to the finish line; it’s about making steady gains that build up over time. Every small action adds up, each ZEN earned pushes you closer, and each decision you make compounds your progress.

The trick? Don’t give up! If you find yourself stuck, just keep going. As you build momentum, those early efforts will start to snowball, and soon you’ll be collecting ZEN faster than you thought possible. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and mastering the flow of progress will set you up for ZEN mastery.

Ready to keep that ZEN rolling? Join the waitlist now and stay steady in your pursuit of progress!
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September 30, 2024