Clue #27 Solved: The Countdown Is On!

When this clue first dropped (aside: have you noticed that NEW CLUES have been going live 30 minutes later each day?) the countdown was set at a little over 77 hours for those with all the MAX BOOSTS—but time waits for no Kitty! That means that by now, the countdown is down to less than half of what it was for those lucky go-getters!

So what’s the rush? This clue is a clear signal that Early Access is almost here, and the very first players will get to dive into CK: ALL THE ZEN! ahead of the pack. They'll have the chance to pet the ReGenesis Egg, hatch Page, level up their Kitties, and start earning ZEN—all before the main doors swing wide open.

If you want to be among the first to experience ALL THE ZEN! and maximize your early progress, make sure you’ve secured your spot on the waitlist and claimed your BOOSTS as well. The clock is ticking, and those hours have been melting away faster than a lasagna buffet filled with hungry Fancies!

Ready to be one of the first? Join the waitlist now and prepare to start your journey!
Join the Waitlist Now!

September 30, 2024